Pretty obvious really, whatever you need to keep yourself clean and hygienic.
I take a shower gel, toothpaste and brush and shaving kit. Some gentlemen and ladies might want to grow it out for the duration saving them a bit of space -- I've only ever found small aerosols of shaving foam outside of the UK.
I pack a supply of ear buds otherwise I find myself shoving a oily finger in my lughole and smearing wax everywhere. With ear buds I avoid the wax!
When camping, I've always found wet wipes (often advertised for babies) a godsend when the facilities are lacking (or are more unhygienic than not using them at all).
Another dose of magic is the alcohol based liquid soap. This normally sits in my tank bag so it's handy if I've had to use the local facilities and the fetid horror of it all requires wiping from my body at least, if not my mind.
I also wait for Ambre Solaire factor 50+ sun tan lotion to go on sale and buy double rations. Interestingly, the rest of the world thinks that anything over factor 30 is a bogus number and will only sell factor 30+. Clearly they don't have enough fair skinned, blue eyed freckled ginners in their target market.
Ambre Solaire also sell some factor 20 lip balm although I regularly forget to use it.
Let's not forget an aerosol of your favourite anti-stink. To be honest, most of mine goes in my boots which begin to reek after a few days in the saddle in the sun.
Pack your universal sink plug. Socks and plastic bags just don't work as well as that funny bit of rubber.
I always pack an unnecessary number of tissues. Just in case.
One thing you may forget, depending on how long you are away, is that your nails grow and quite possibly faster than usual (thanks to the warmer climate). Pack some nail clippers and/or nail scissors.
Some tweezers too!
You weren't going anywhere without your emergency bog roll either, were you? In a plastic bag -- wet toilet paper really doesn't get the job done.
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