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SMS: Fri 19:18

SMS Update for Friday, 17 September, 2010 19:18

Friday, 17 September, 2010 19:18

Currently in Tabriz,IR

Not sent from Ian's phone.

phone problem

The bazaar was shut-except quite a few show stalls that weren't. In fact, close to the bazaar >50% of shops were trading.

Went to Blue Mosque, only bits of blue remain. Would have taken photo but for "Can I practice my English?" "Of course"...over an hour later the sun had set, the mosque had closed, I'd tried to explain why his friend was unlikely to play for a top Euro FC (I guessed not manny scouts watch IR footy). IR footy is who you know/are.

They do a really good lentil [Ed. pearl barley] and burberry(?) soup and kebabs come with a lot of rice!

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