SMS: Fri 05:14
Friday, 22 October, 2010 05:14
Currently in Lahore,PK
09:15. L. is grey almost foggy and cold-20C! That's a drop from the upper 30s yesterday. From mid-afternoon the Indus road has been swathed in woodsmoke incl. L. but the fog/smog is still here and not smelling of wood. L. Looked like a much cleaner more modern city (more Iranian!) until you have to duck round a donkey pulled cart or avoid the goats being dragged along the road-and the bloody tuk-tuks. Bike's rear has a slow puncture or can't handle 150kg of rider and luggage over crappy roads. DEET leaked and dissolved skin of my Ortlieb drybag. I think the Amer needs fumigating before updating. Not sure why SMSing, have Hotelnet in lobby.
Message was sent by Ian 9.5 hours before it arrived.
[Failed to be uploaded and had a typo anyway:-Ed.]
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