SMS: Wed 07:41
Wednesday, 20 October, 2010 07:41
Currently at lat/long: n26 39.996 e67 59.163
Moro,PK. 11:30. No sign of the Indus let alone any flooding or destitution on this side. Bananas,rice,cotton,maize. Here it's petered out a bit but is still well laid out. Unlike the road which has been poor. 5" ruts on the tarmac with the bigger trucks choosing the smoothest path and the rest of us dodging about. Roads signs continue to be poor. There was a sign for Shahdadpur (and the remote chance of finding Mansura) but there was no associated junction or any kind of road off to the right. Nor at the next sign in Urdu. No tourist dollars spent, PK, take note.
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